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Book Chapter
Kvamme, K. L. (1988).  Development and Testing of Quantitative Models. (Judge, W. James, Sebastian, Lynne, Altschul, Jeffrey H., Ed.).Quantifying the present and predicting the past: Theory, method, and application of archaeological predictive modeling. 325-428.
Lake, M. W. (1998).  Digging for memes: the role of material objects in cultural evolution. (Renfrew, Colin, Scarre, Christopher, Ed.).Cognition and material culture : the archaeology of symbolic storage. 77-88.
Wing, E. (1986).  Domestication of Andean Camelids. (Vuilleumier, François, Monasterio, Maximina, Ed.).High altitude tropical biogeography. 246-264.
de Romaña, M. (1987).  Donde vive la vicuña - Where the vicuña lives. (Romaña, Mauricio de, Blassi, Jaime, Blassi, Jorge, Ed.).Descubriendo el Valle del Colca - Discovering the Colca Valley. 67-83.
Feldman, R. A. (1989).  The Early Ceramic Periods of Moquegua. (Rice, Don Stephen, Stanish, Charles, Scarr, Phillip R., Ed.).Ecology, settlement, and history in the Osmore drainage, Peru. 545i, 207-217.
Barth, F. (1967).  Economic Spheres in Darfur. (Firth, Raymond William, Ed.).Themes in Economic Anthropology. 149-174.
Polanyi, K. (1957).  The Economy as an Instituted Process. (Arensberg, C. M., Polanyi, Karl, Pearson, H. W., Ed.).Trade and Market in the Early Empires: Economies in History and Theory. 243-270.
Casaverde Rojas, J. (1977).  El trueque en la economía pastoril. (Flores Ochoa, Jorge A., Ed.).Pastores de puna: Uywamichiq punarunakuna. 5, 168-191.
Nielsen, A. E. (2001).  Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Caravan Trade in the South-Central Andes. (Kuznar, Lawrence A., Ed.).Ethnoarchaeology of Andean South America: Contributions to archaeological method and theory. 4, 163-201.