7.5.1. A02-39, Test Unit 1 and 2

The local context of A02-39 is described in Section 6.4.2 and Figure 6-58. Two test units were placed along the perimeter of two separate oval features [A03-557 and A03-559] on the southern portion of A02-39 "Pausa". The Test Units 1 and 2 were essentially sterile. In TU2 non-diagnostic bone and charcoal were found in an ash layer that appeared level to the built-up oval wall just to the east of TU2. Some carbon samples were retrieved from TU2 level 4 (33cm below datum) and the carbon returned a date of 1586BP±35 (AD 400-570), an Early Tiwanaku period date following Stanish's (2003) date of AD 400 for the onset of the Tiwanaku period. This would be an Early Intermediate Period date following the Ica chronology.