Conventions used in site descriptions, cartography, and scale in field photos

Sites, loci and point locations were used to record archaeological features in the course of this survey. The presentation of survey data in this chapter will be organized around set of site typologies by time period were generated from fieldwork observations and through subsequent data analysis. The hierarchy of presentation is generally as follows: (1) larger time period, (2) site type grouping with general data, (3) individual site descriptions with ArchID numbers listed, (4) particular loci, points, or data tables relevant to the site. Thus, individual features were assigned ArchID numbers, but in the process of interpretation for this report the features (loci and points) were assigned to sites which were, in turn, assigned to a larger typology and time period. In this presentation, each principal site description will begin with the ArchID number for a given site followed by its text name in quotes, and finally in brackets the range of ArchID numbers associated with the site.

Maps in this dissertation are all in the modern WGS 1984 datum and UTM zone 19 South metric coordinate system and the Transverse Mercator projection. Most existing maps in the central Andes are in the Provisional South American Datum of 1956 (PSAD56) or "La Canoa" and transformations between these coordinate systems for the Central Andes were discussed in Chapter 5 (Mugnier 2001;Mugnier 2006). By using WGS1984 datum, the spatial data conform to the native GPS coordinate system, as well as to newly available spatial data available from government agencies and private data sources.

Another convention used consistently throughout this research involves photos. In photos of features where the tape measure is visible, the visible tape is always stretched to exactly one meter unless otherwise indicated. In artifact photos, the grid behind the artifacts consists of one centimeter squares.