List of Tables

List of Tables

Pagination from printed and PDF versions.

Table 2-1. Three categories of exchange goods. 39

Table 2-2. Economic processes in political evolution. 47

Table 2-3. Characteristics of reciprocity and redistribution (from Renfrew 1975: 8). 65

Table 2-4. Household composition of raw materials should vary with different types of exchange.. 95

Table 2-5. Measurement indices for procurement system (after Ericson 1984: 4). 105

Table 3-1. Reported llama caravan loads, distances, and times. 166

Table 3-2. Three major Peruvian obsidian sources showing average and maximum distances and times. 183

Table 3-3. Obsidian in the north and south Titicaca Basin by counts and percents. 186

Table 3-4. Asana obsidian samples, collections, and associated 14C samples by level (from Aldenderfer 1998b: 131, 157, 163, 209, 268; Frye et al. 1998). 189

Table 3-5. Qillqatani excavation levels, radiocarbon dates, and obsidian samples. 191

Table 3-6. Qillqatani periods by tools (bifacially flaked) and debitage (all other lithics), in obsidian and non-obsidian categories. 193

Table 3-7. Counts of obsidian debitage at Qillqatani by weight (g). 194

Table 3-8. Sumbay, SU-3 Pit 5. Strata with obsidian samples and associated artifacts (Máximo Neira Avendaño 1990: 32-33). 199

Table 3-9. Temporal organization of data. 205

Table 3-10. Examples of obsidian use in the south-central Andes (part 1). 272

Table 3-11. Examples of obsidian use in the south-central Andes (part 2). 273

Table 3-12. Models of procurement and exchange for Chivay obsidian. Compare terms with those used in Figure 2-2 and Figure 3-3. 290

Table 4-1. Andean ecological zones with approximate local elevation values for each zone. 308

Table 4-2. Equatorial bulge and effects on barometric pressure (in torr) at 15° and 60° latitude. From data in (J. B. West 1996: 1851). Equivalent altitude column shows altitude at 60° latitude with equivalent pressure to the value shown at 15° latitude. 317

Table 4-3. Coordinates and names of select raw material sources in the central Andes. Coordinates in WGS1984 datum. 332

Table 4-4. Characteristics of Obsidian. 355

Table 4-5. Peruvian obsidian source samples submitted to MURR by Tripcevich in 2002 and 2005. Coordinate datum is WGS84. 370

Table 5-1.The two reference ellipsoids used in Peruvian and Bolivian cartography (NIMA 1977). 379

Table 5-2. Three parameter cartographic transformations for UTM coordinates from PSAD 1956 (La Canoa) to WGS 1984 (Dana 1998; Mugnier 2001; 2006: 496; NIMA 1977). 379

Table 5-3. Types of archaeological survey described by Banning (2002: 27-38). 392

Table 5-4. Digital data sources used in developing the survey strategy. 394

Table 5-5. Sites and isolates from 100% survey strip that would not have been encountered using the regular Block 3 survey strategy. 399

Table 5-6. Locus and Site artifact density definitions. 405

Table 5-7. Sources of inconsistent data during the 2003 project. 414

Table 5-8. Measures on flaked stone artifacts during Phase II lithics analysis. 425

Table 5-9. Proportion of analysis by projectile point typological group. 427

Table 5-10. Vector and raster layers used in analysis and derived raster output. 433

Table 5-11. Loci to GRID conversion values. 436

Table 5-12. Script for labeling through a One-To-Many relate in ArcMap 9.1. 447

Table 6-1. Abbreviations for lithics used in maps, figures, and tables. 451

Table 6-2. Example of a map abbreviation label for a diagnostic lithic. 452

Table 6-3. Abbreviations for ceramics used in maps, figures, and tables. 453

Table 6-4. Example and explanation of a map label for a diagnostic ceramic. 453

Table 6-5. Counts of artifactual lithics material types throughout the study region. 456

Table 6-6. Lengths of complete obsidian artifacts with > 30% cortex. 458

Table 6-7. Obsidian artifact color (shade) by survey block surface collection. 460

Table 6-8. Obsidian artifact material type by Survey Block surface collections. 462

Table 6-9. Projectile Points made from obsidian containing heterogeneities (Ob2). 465

Table 6-10. Ratio of Obsidian Projectile Points with heterogeneities. 465

Table 6-11. Obsidian: mean sizes of complete Ob1 and Ob2 artifacts, by Survey Block. 467

Table 6-12. Obsidian production system indices for surface survey. 472

Table 6-13. ArchID numbers for diagnostic projectile points, Series 1-4 only. 474

Table 6-14. Projectile point mean weights by point type and material type. 475

Table 6-15. All obsidian projectile points by survey block. 476

Table 6-16. Aggregated Projectile Point Styles by Material Type for the project area. 477

Table 6-17. Classifications for Archaic components of sites. 481

Table 6-18. Diagnostic Projectile points Series 1-4 from Blocks 1, 4 and high altitude areas of Block 5, identifed by ArchID number. 488

Table 6-19. All Diagnostic Projectile Points from Blocks 1, 4, and Block 5 upper puna. Weights included for unbroken points only. 489

Table 6-20. Environmental characteristics of Archaic Foragers logistical camps in Block 1. 490

Table 6-21. Lithic artifacts from site A03-229 excluding eleven Series 5 projectile points. 501

Table 6-22. Lithic artifacts from site A03-777 excluding 1 Series 5 projectile point. 502

Table 6-23. Lithic artifacts from site A03-910 excluding five Series 5 Ob1 projectile points. 505

Table 6-24. Complete Cores at Collpa [A03-910]. 506

Table 6-25. Diagnostic Projectile points Series 1-4 from Block 2 identifed by ArchID number. 509

Table 6-26. Loci in Chiripascapa. 513

Table 6-27. Diagnostic Series 1 through 4 projectile points from Chiripascapa [A03-1014]. 519

Table 6-28. Representative proportions of material types by projectile point styles. 519

Table 6-29. All lithic artifacts from Chiripascapa. 520

Table 6-30. Non-consecutive ArchID numbers at Huañatira [A03-900], an Archaic Foragers site. 524

Table 6-31. Diagnostic Series 1 through 4 projectile points from Huañatira [A03-900]. 526

Table 6-32. All lithic artifacts from Huañatira. 526

Table 6-33. Environmental characteristics of selected Archaic Foragers sites in Block 2. 530

Table 6-34. Diagnostic Projectile points Series 1-4 from Blocks 3, 6 and the valley portion of Block 5 identifed by ArchID number. 532

Table 6-35. Loci in Kakapunku [A03-1000]. 539

Table 6-36. Rock shelters at Kakapunku [A3-1000], dimensions in meters. 539

Table 6-37. Selected Lithics from Kakapunku [A03-1000]. 541

Table 6-38. Counts of Material types by Artifact Form from 1977 Quelkata surface collections. 551

Table 6-39. Loci in Pokallacta [A03-1074]. 555

Table 6-40. Rock shelters at Pokallacta [A3-1074], dimensions in meters. 555

Table 6-41. Selected Lithics from Pokallacta [A03-1074]. 556

Table 6-42. Environmental characteristics of aceramic sites. 557

Table 6-43. Loci at Sullullumba [A03-806]. 566

Table 6-44. Site sizes in Ichocollo [A03-32]. 569

Table 6-45. Bifacially Flaked Lithics from Ichocollo by Material Type. 574

Table 6-46. Bifacial Lithics at Ichocollo showing Counts of Material Types by Length. 575

Table 6-47. Classifications for Early Agropastoralist components of sites. 579

Table 6-48. Areal features belonging to A03-126 and A03-275 workshop complex. 597

Table 6-49. Material types for Series 5 points in Blocks 4 and 5. 608

Table 6-50. Dimension of structural features at Pausa [A02-39]. 617

Table 6-51. Counts of lithics from surface collection at Pausa [A02-39]. 619

Table 6-52. All ceramics from Taukamayo [A02-26] and vicinity. 628

Table 6-53. Cores from the surface of Taukamayo. 630

Table 6-54. Counts of lithics from surface collection at Taukamayo [A02-26]. 630

Table 6-55. Ob1 and Ob2 obsidian use at A03-738 "Lecceta 1" compared with entire project. 648

Table 6-56. Diagnostic sherds from Huañatira 2 [A03-855]. 653

Table 6-57. Diagnostic ceramics from Callalli Antiguo [A03-662] and vicinity. 670

Table 7-1. Lithics Phase II analysis showing fraction of artifacts with detail measures. 677

Table 7-2. Q02u2 “Quarry Pit” obsidian production system indices. 681

Table 7-3. Q02u3 “Maymeja Workshop” obsidian production system indices. 682

Table 7-4. A02-26u1 “Taukamayo” obsidian production system indices. 683

Table 7-5. A02-39 u3 and u4 “Pausa” obsidian production system indices. 684

Table 7-6. 1x1m test excavation unit proveniences from 2003 fieldwork. 685

Table 7-7. Q02-2u2 Excavation levels from test unit at quarry pit.. 697

Table 7-8. Q02-2u2 lithic technical class by test unit excavation level. 698

Table 7-9. Q02-2u2 quarry pit obsidian artifact material type and color by level. 699

Table 7-10. Q02-2u2 Color in quarry pit artifacts compared with all points from fieldwork. 700

Table 7-11. Q02-2u2 quarry pit: Lengths of flakes and cores with >20% cortex. 701

Table 7-12. Calculated depth of strata in Q02-2u2. 702

Table 7-13. Q02-2u3 Excavation levels from test unit at the A03-126 workshop. 708

Table 7-14. Q02-2u3: c2 showing Technical Class by Level with the Standard Residual. 709

Table 7-15. Attributes of obsidian artifacts from Q02-2u3. 711

Table 7-16. Proportion of Kombewa flakes by level in Q02-2u3. 711

Table 7-17. Cores at Q02-2-u3 by excavation level showing countsof Ob1 and Ob2. 715

Table 7-18. Canonical discriminant function for Q02-2u3 Cores. 718

Table 7-19. Q02-2-u3 characteristics of three clusters from core attributes. 721

Table 7-20. Q02-2u3: ANOVA on complete cores and flakes with at least 50% dorsal cortex. 727

Table 7-21. Q02-2u3: ANOVA on measures from complete flakes. 730

Table 7-22. Canonical Discriminant Function Structure Matrix in order of size of correlation. 733

Table 7-23. Q02-2-u3: characteristics of 3 clusters of flakes based on numerical attributes. 734

Table 7-24. Q02-2u3: c2 showing types of terminations by flake cluster. 736

Table 7-25. Q02-2u3: Obsidian type and color of artifacts by level. 742

Table 7-26. Q02-2u3: Length of complete flakes and cores with ?50% cortex. 742

Table 7-27. A02-39u3 test unit. Excavation levels, overview, and soil description. 751

Table 7-28. A02-39u4 test unit. Excavation levels, overview, and soil description. 751

Table 7-29. A03-39u3/u4 counts of lithics by level. 753

Table 7-30. A02-39u3 and u4: Obsidian flake types by excavation level. 754

Table 7-31. A02-26u1 test unit. Excavation levels, overview, and soil description. 759

Table 7-32. A02-26u1: Artifact counts and averages for select measures. 762

Table 7-33. A02-26u1: Lithic Technical Classes by Level showing counts. 762

Table 7-34. A02-26u1 Excavation and Block 3 surface: Lithic Tech. Classes by Obsidian type. 767

Table 7-35. Counts by length for all complete obsidian flakes with ?20% dorsal cortex. 770

Table 8-1. Visibility index values of high visibility production locations. 791