Finding the right transformation when re-projecting data in ArcGIS 9.2

So you're using the Project Tool to re-projecting a map into a new projection.

Before you can start the process, you have to choose from the many transformations. The attached file (World Projections.xls) lists where in the world each projection transformation should be used.

For example, if your map is in PSAD56, and you want to project it to WGS84, the Project Tool will ask you which transformation you want. Checking the lists for Bolivia, I find: PSAD_1956_To_WGS_1984_2


I reformatted them in Excel because I found working with the Word file clunky. These are official, from ESRI, and current for ArcGIS 9.2. The original file is here:


I found this in a very helpful PDF on projections and transformations with other excellent links:

Nico goes over this in this tutorial:

For South America, Nico has this advice:


The second attached files has only the transformations relevant to Peru and Bolivia.

Happy GISing, Erik.