%0 Book Section %B Prehistoric settlement patterns: Essays in honor of Gordon R. Willey %D 1983 %T Tale of Three Cities: Energetics and Urbanism in Prehispanic Central Mexico %A Sanders, William T. %A Santley, Robert S. %E Willey, Gordon Randolph %E Vogt, Evon Zartman %E Leventhal, Richard M. %C Albuquerque %I University of New Mexico Press %K 1913- %K Gordon Randolph %K Indians Antiquities. %K Land settlement patterns %K Latin America Antiquities. %K Prehistoric Latin America. %K Prehistoric. %K Willey %L mstaxANTH E65SHLDS-GEN E %P 243-291 %Z critiqued by John Clark 2003: Sanders and Santley’s 1983 proposal that special goods were returned to Teotihuacan in exchange for obsidian products, and that these were cashed in for corn from the fringes of Teotihuacan’s domain in hard times, fails to appreciate that once symbolic goods circulate like economic goods among the hoi polloi such goods lose any legitimizing powers. (Clark 2003:38) %7 1st %@ 0826306918