%0 Book Section %B Ecology, settlement, and history in the Osmore drainage, Peru %D 1989 %T Tiwanaku occupation of Moquegua %A Goldstein, Paul S. %E Rice, Don Stephen %E Stanish, Charles %E Scarr, Phillip R. %C Oxford, England %I B.A.R. %K puna altitude adaptation moquegua tiwanaku colonialism verticality %L UCSB Main Lib F3429.1.m6 %P 219-256 %V 545i %Z 3.1.99 WRITING ON POST-TIWANAKU POLITIESVerical archipelago'Verticality' is not a causal explanation for the Tiwanaku state, but "it seems likely that Tiwanaku did change the scale and integrative forms of vertical complementarity in a way that provided a pattern for subsequent south Andean polities such as the Lupaqa and the Inca." (p220)Locations of western slope Tiwanakusites (p222)San Pedro de Atacama - Tiwanaku ceramics are elite trade items, high value, moderate stylistic influence on locals.Azapa valley of Arica - direct colonization of altiplano peoples as early as Peruvian Pukara (1000BC-AD400). Also Tiwanaku IV and V from AD500-1000 (Focacci 1969, Daulsberg 1972)Moquegua— mid-valley zone.Bennett (1936)Tiwanaku ceramic chron, based on vessel shape instead of decoration, show a clear stratigraphic development from Classic to Decadent forms. Elaborated on by Ponce Sangines (1972; 1995?)Moquegua PhasesHuaracane: shows Tiwanaku influence, but no evidence of direct Tiwanaku influence prior to TwkuIV.Omo: earliest Tiwanaku control in Moquegua - corresponds to mid/late Tiw IV (AD300-700)Chen Chen: period of most direct control from Altiplano - corresponds to Tiw V (AD700-1000). Organized + administered province of Tiw - larger pop, hierarchical site sizes, labor-intesive canal systems, no fortifications (no Wari threat) "Pax Tiwanakota".Ceramics indistinguishable from Tiw itself.Fragmentation: most likely scenario - pan-Tiwanaku civil collapse at some time in the 11th cent. AD (Bermann, 1989) p253Some evidence for deliberate destruction of domestic and administrative contexts at about this time. Furthermore, most Tiwanaku burial were disturbed at some time bfore the ashfall of Huayna Putina in Feb 1600. "Ceramics and other artifacts show less standarization, local substyles, and increasingly little identity either amongst themselves or with the altiplano prototypes of TIW V. This suggests local, rather than regional, patterns of production and distribution" (p253).