@inbook {, title = {Tale of Three Cities: Energetics and Urbanism in Prehispanic Central Mexico}, booktitle = {Prehistoric settlement patterns: Essays in honor of Gordon R. Willey}, year = {1983}, note = {critiqued by John Clark 2003: Sanders and Santley{\textquoteright}s 1983 proposal that special goods were returned to Teotihuacan in exchange for obsidian products, and that these were cashed in for corn from the fringes of Teotihuacan{\textquoteright}s domain in hard times, fails to appreciate that once symbolic goods circulate like economic goods among the hoi polloi such goods lose any legitimizing powers. (Clark 2003:38)}, pages = {243-291}, publisher = {University of New Mexico Press}, organization = {University of New Mexico Press}, edition = {1st}, address = {Albuquerque}, keywords = {1913-, Gordon Randolph, Indians Antiquities., Land settlement patterns, Latin America Antiquities., Prehistoric Latin America., Prehistoric., Willey}, isbn = {0826306918}, author = {Sanders, William T. and Santley, Robert S.}, editor = {Willey, Gordon Randolph and Vogt, Evon Zartman and Leventhal, Richard M.} }