@article {, title = {Current Status and Future Developments of the SIRGAS Project}, journal = {Geod{\"a}sie und Geoinformatik der Universit{\"a}t Hannover Nr.}, volume = {258}, year = {2006}, pages = {59-70}, abstract = {SIRGAS (Sistema de Referencia Geoc{\'e}ntrico para las Am{\'e}ricas) is a joint project of South, Central and North American countries in cooperation with some international institutions for the establishment and maintenance of a geocentric reference frame for practical and scientific use. A unique reference frame for the American continent was established by two extremely successful geodetic observation campaigns, SIRGAS95 and SIRGAS2000. It provides the basis for the requirements of modern geodesy, and is one of the most important enterprises within geodetic science. At present, its goals aim at the complete integration of all American countries, the maintenance and processing of a continuously observing stations network in the continent, and the adoption of a unified vertical system (height datum). The general outlines for the future tasks are presented in this paper.}, keywords = {SIRGAS 2000 datum}, url = {http://www.ife.uni-hannover.de/mitarbeiter/seeber/seeber_65/pdf_65/fort6.pdf}, author = {Fortes, L. P. and Laur{\'\i}a, E. and Brunini, C. and Amaya, W. and S{\'a}nchez, L. and Drewes, H. and Seem{\"u}ller, W.} }