@inbook {, title = {Cross-cutting relationships: The relative dating of ancient roads on the north coast of Peru}, booktitle = {Ancient road networks and settlement hierarchies in the New World}, year = {1991}, note = {Road from Lagunas Leeceta to Maymeja source area is a "Type 1 - Cleared: The surface of the road is systematically cleared of all stones or other debris, producing a strikingly uniform, clear strip of land for road transportation" (Beck 1991:75-76, Fig. 8.5).}, pages = {66-79}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, organization = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge England}, keywords = {Indians Naive American Roads Commerce Networks., Prehistoric America.., Roads}, isbn = {0521383374}, author = {Beck, Colleen}, editor = {Trombold, Charles D.} }